A new and profitable way of generating funds at an event. Mini Melts is a premium ice cream compa...
Chocolate and other confectionery brands that people trust. Cadbury and much more are a hit with ...
Cadbury chocolate products from Interworld Fundraising. Use a brand that is adored and recognised...
The standard sweet tooth fundraiser, with a twist! Trade Aid Fundraising Chocolate creates delici...
Chocolate is the global currency of kindness and joy. Cadbury Chocolates are a well known, truste...
Juices frozen treats make fundraising an absolute breeze on hot summer days. Normally only availa...
Snack It is a source for fundraising packages to use in your campaign. Chocolates, sweets and oth...
Finns fudge is a deliciously decadent creamy handmade fudge. Finns is proving to be a very easy t...
0800 100 0040800 100 004
FBC has successfully provided New Zealand schools with fundraising initiatives since 1989. Provid...
Their product range features an extensive offering of old-fashioned lolly delicacies such as blac...
0800 734 4620800 734 462
Great tasting lollies without the added artificial colours or additives. Regina Lollies supply so...
Kids love lollies, and what better way to raise funds for your school, event, club or party than ...
New to the fundraising scene Holy Fudge have some of the most mouthwatering fudge in the world. H...
Heavenly Fudge is a New Zealand owned and operated company offering free nationwide delivery on t...
Rainbow Confectionery supply a whole host of different yummy treats and lollies. The perfect fund...